
Thursday, June 21, 2012

It Begins!

My first post!! I’m really excited to finally start blogging about my hiking adventures. I’ve never blogged before so this will definitely be a learning process for me but I’m really looking forward to it and I hope it will start to come together as I go along! It’s been pretty rainy lately so I’ve had time to think a lot about my first few entries. I thought I would start out with doing a couple of posts on the little hikes I’ve done over the last couple weeks in Waterton. There’s still a fair bit of snow at higher elevations so we’ve been sticking to the shorter hikes where we can avoid the snow. If the weather cooperates I’m off to Waterton tomorrow so hopefully I’ll have a hike to post about. I’ve hiked quite a few trails in Waterton, the Crowsnest Past and Banff National Park over the years but my goal for this blog is to write about the hikes as I do them so it’s exciting to start from the beginning and hopefully broaden my hiking horizons! There’s so much hiking to be done this summer in so many beautiful places!  So hopefully I’ll be able to bring some new perspectives from different trails! 

I recently graduated from University so I was given a fancy new camera from my boyfriend Colby as a grad present! It's really exciting getting to take pictures with a camera that has a wonderful zoom!! Especially with the many wildlife viewing opportunities that the Rockies present and the amazing panoramic views! The manual is 250 pages so it's slow going trying to learn all the features and not forget things as soon as I read about it. But I will definitely be putting in as many pictures of my adventures as I can! 

I can't wait to see how this blog takes shape and I hope that my passion for hiking and the wonderful experiences being out in the mountains has to offer comes through in my posts. Discovering hiking and a love for the mountains has completely changed me and has added so much more to my life and I hope to share that with all who visit my blog!

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